Bosnia and Herzegovina, nestled in the heart of the Balkans, offers stunning natural beauty, rich history, and diverse culture. Explore the cobblestone streets of Sarajevo, where East meets West in a blend of Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and Yugoslav influences. Discover the iconic bridge of Mostar, symbolizing unity and resilience. Wander through picturesque countryside with serene lakes and charming villages. Indulge in traditional Bosnian cuisine, from savory cevapi to sweet baklava. With its warm hospitality and timeless charm, Bosnia and Herzegovina promises an unforgettable journey for travelers seeking both adventure and culture.

Bosnia-Herzegovina is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. This remarkable country has embraced tourism in recent years and is a great destination to explore by car. The verdant, varied landscapes, a rich cultural heritage, historic sights, and friendly locals make it a wonderful adventure for travelers.

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The main highways in Bosnia-Herzegovina are in excellent condition without any toll booths, many visitors begin their country tour in the capital city of Sarajevo filled with ample historical sights. Mostar is a charming historic city with its symbolic bridge, Jajce featuring its massive and famous waterfall, Telic for its huge spa resort, and Bihac, the border town know for Una National Park. Distances in the country can be quite significant, so hiring a car is great allowing you to visit off-the-beaten-track destinations and passing through beautiful verdant landscapes.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, they drive on the right-hand side and overtake (pass) on the left. It is compulsory to wear seat belts in front and back seats. Dipped headlights are obligatory for 24 hours a day all year round. Using mobile phones is prohibited unless a hands-free device is present. The use of winter tires is required between November 15th the April 15th, and during winter conditions drivers are required to remove all snow and ice from their vehicle or they will be fined.

Road Conditions

There are less than 24 miles of four-lane highway in the entire country. Most of the roads throughout the country are single lanes and some are not in great condition. Roads are often narrow and winding in places with a lack of guardrails along with lack of visibility. There are dirt tracks and side roads in rural areas which should not be explored as there are still hundreds of landmines that remain around the country.

Road Signs

Police are present all around Bosnia-Herzegovina, so obey the law and speed limits when driving. Street lights are lacking when traveling outside of the major city center.

Speed Limits

The national speed limit on the Bosnia motorways is 130 km/h (80 mph), 100 km/h on dual carriageways, 80 km/h on open roads, and 50 km/h in built-up areas.

Documents and Laws

Be sure to have your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and rental car paperwork including insurance when driving. If you are crossing borders this is extremely important along with your passport.

Dipped headlights are required 24 hours a day all year round. It is a legal requirement to carry headlamp converters (stickers for headlights).

Dialing 112 from anywhere in Europe will connect you to an operator that will connect you with emergency services in the country you are visiting. The operators can speak English or French.

The alcohol limit when driving in Bosnia-Herzegovina is much lower than in most other countries, at 50 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.03%). Avoid drinking completely when you are diving, if anyone in the car has been drinking or is under the influence of alcohol they are not permitted to travel in the front seat of the vehicle.

Car Rentals

The minimum age to rent a car in Bosnia-Herzegovina is 21. Drivers need a full, valid driver’s license and usually a second form of proof of identification. Most rental car companies will require you to use a credit card for a deposit. Check with the rental car company first if you plan to travel outside of the Bosnia-Herzegovina borders.

Gas Stations/Petrol Stations

Petrol stations are readily available around cities and villages, but once you get outside of the main cities petrol stations are rare, be sure to fill up when you see a petrol station as you don’t want to run out of petrol in the middle of Bosnia.