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India is a large country with very diverse landscapes and climate zones with varying weather patterns from region to region. 

The winters are warm and pleasant, summers are very hot and extremely humid and the monsoon season, which brings spurts of heavy rainfall and tropical storms.

April, May, October, and November are the hottest months of the year and June through September are the wettest months being it is monsoon season through the entire country. The most popular tourist season runs from October through March when the weather is at its best throughout most of the country. If traveling during the high season it is recommended to book in advance as many accommodations and transportation become sold out quickly.

The south of India sits nearest to the equator with warmer temperatures throughout the year. The average temperatures stay at 72 F or higher with the highest temps in May and June, with 93F for daily highs. December is a great month to hit up the beaches, when at the same time there is snow in the mountainous regions.

November – February

The winter months bring drier weather after the monsoon season. The temperatures are warm with sunny skies making it the perfect time to get outside and explore the great outdoors. November to March are some of the most popular months to visit India when tourist season is in full effect. The beaches in the south are a popular destination during the winter months with Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu being at their prime.

November is a very good month to travel, packed with popular festivals including The Pushkar Camel Fair in Rajasthan and the nationwide Diwali Festival of Lights. The holiday season is a busy time in India when accommodations and transport can be fully booked, so plan to book well in advance if you wish to secure accommodations and travel during this time of year.

Areas around the far north of the Himalayan Mountains will be covered in snow during the winter months but provide spectacular mountain views. The north-east regions and the North Indian hills are perfect in the winter for trekking. The temperatures in the Himalayas drops by 3.5F for every 1000 feet climbed. Darjeeling located in the Himalayan foothills see the coldest weather from December to January where temperatures plummet to nearly freezing at night and the daytime highs are around 50F.

General temperatures during the winter time reach highs in the 70`s during the day, and drop into the mid to low 40`s at night. October through March bring peak temperatures with the mid to high 80`s. January is a perfect month to sightsee with warm, dry days.

Events and Festivals

– Kite Festival – (January) – Held in Gujarat

-Bikanar Camel Festival – (November) – Held in Rajasthan where 50,000 camels and goats and their owners descend on Pushkar and Rajasthan.

-Republic Day – (January 26th) – New Delhi

-Diwali Festival of Lights – (October and November) – The ancient Hindu festival with spectacular firework displays and thousands of candles

March – May

The summers in India are extremely hot, with temperatures soaring into the 100`s, making this a great destination for a summer break. Andaman, Sikkim and Nicobar Islands are great destinations for water sports and other outdoor activities. Goa is great for a beach escape, with temperatures that range in the mid to high 90`s and reach even higher during the day, dropping into the 70`s at night. February is the month when the temperatures start to heat up, in the northern plains and continuing throughout the country. The weather daily brings a hot and dry climate. June is the hottest month of the year with average temperatures in the mid 90`s and nighttime lows around 79 F.

Monsoon season starts in May when the humidity levels rise and bring large amounts of rain, up to 39 inches recorded in July with an average of 27 days of rain in one month. Thunderstorms and dust storms are present daily from May until September when it starts to ease up. Summertime in India is the perfect time of year to visit the mountains and hill stations. The Himalayas such as Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand are popular outdoor destinations where visitors can enjoy hiking, wildlife, and beautiful scenery. The National Parks in India are best to visit during the summertime when all the wildlife comes out and gather around the watering holes. British hill stations such as Shimla and Darjeeling are hiking destinations that take you through the foothills of the large mountain ranges of the Western Ghats, which are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A good time to spot wildlife is early in the morning or early evenings. Tigers and elephants are best seen during the months of April, May, and June.

Other popular activities during the summer are yoga, meditation and adventure sports which are all especially popular in the north. Honeymooning in North India and the North East are in high demand during the summer.

Events and Festivals-Holi Festival – (dates vary each year) – A popular vibrant festival including paint throwing when people celebrate good over evil.

June – October

There are two monsoon seasons in India, the southwest (begins in June) and the northeast (from November to December) both affecting the respective areas. The Southwest monsoon is the main monsoon and comes in off the sea and makes its way up the west coast eventually covering most of the country with rain during mid July and letting up by October. The northeast monsoon affects the east coast during the months of November to December with Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala receiving the most amount of rain.

Monsoon season consists of afternoon thunderstorms and rain that occur over a number of days and then start to accumulate into longer torrential downpours. The rain is not constant, rather it will rain for periods everyday during this season, but the days can still be sunny and very hot, and the rainfall offers a refreshing way to cool off. The rains bring respite from the high heat and also bring out the lush verdant green scenery.

Events and Festivals

-Mahatma Gandhi`s Birthday – (October 2nd) – A national holiday.

-Diwali – (October or November) – The ancient Hindu Festival of Lights which is India`s largest festival.

Tipping in India

 The questions “when?” and “how much?” can leave some travelers confused, as the practice varies. This guide attempts to cover most situations that you, as a tourist, will encounter. Hopefully using these “tips” will provide a smooth experience when interacting with locals in restaurants, bars, hotels, tour operators, and taxis.

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Tipping in India

Currency: Can I pay in U.S. dollars, or should I use the Indian Rupee?

The units of currency in India are the Indian Rupee (R) US dollars are not accepted. Please be sure to have the correct currency on hand or be prepared to exchange your dollars for Rupees upon arrival. Currency exchanged desks can be found at the airport and many locations throughout the city.

Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars: When should I tip? How much is customary?

At restaurants in India, it is recommended to check your bill for a service charge or added gratuity which is normally capped at 10%. If you find a service charge there is no need to leave an additional tip, however, keep in mind that the management is not required to share any of this amount with the wait staff. A general rule of thumb when tipping in restaurants in India is to leave about 10% of the total bill and it is always best to hand the gratuity directly to your server. There are different styles of restaurants in the country and the tipping etiquette does vary, for street food stalls there is no tipping required, if you pay for food or snacks that costs less than R300 then 10% is satisfactory and in higher-end restaurants where the total bill ranges from R300 – R1000 you can tip between 7 – 10%.


Hotel Staff: Who should I tip?

At hotels in India, tipping can be confusing, to say the least, there are a lot of staff members at hotels in India, but it is not customary to tip them all. Leaving R20-50 per bag for the bell boy should suffice and remember do not allow someone to grab your bags if you do not want to tip them, they will expect it. Housekeeping should be tipped around R100 per person/per night. And the concierge should receive a generous amount around R200-300. Sometimes hotels may have a tip box where the money is distributed among the staff members.

Taxi Drivers: Should I tip?

Taxi drivers in India don’t usually expect a tip, however, rounding up and leaving the change is a nice gesture. Sometimes when taking a trip, especially to the airport when the fare has been negotiated beforehand, where the amount is rounded up to the nearest hundred, the tip is included in this stated amount.

Tour Guides: Is a tip required?

You should tip your tour guides in India around R200-400 per day if they do a good job. You can always go higher or lower if you are happy or unhappy with the service.

Miscellaneous: Is there anyone I should tip that I would not normally?

Anyone providing a direct service to you in India will appreciate receiving a small tip. Leaving a small amount (around 10%) for the spa staff member that took care of you is a nice gesture.

Final Thoughts:

Remember that it is perfectly okay to abstain, especially if you are not happy with the service provided. This is also true for hotel staff, however, if you should encounter a problem with the service within the hotel, we highly recommend speaking with the manager.

When paying for services in cash (which we generally recommend for services other than your hotel) remember to take your receipt. This is important for two reasons; If you leave a tip on a credit card, the person providing the service may not always get it, and if there is a discrepancy it is important to have your receipt to settle it with the manager of the establishment and to prove that you paid for the service.

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