This guide attempts to cover most situations that you, as a tourist, will encounter. Hopefully using these `tips` will provide a smooth experience when interacting with locals in restaurants, bars, hotels, tour operators, and taxis.

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In the U.S. tipping is customary and expected for everything from lackluster to outstanding service. It is an etiquette that is ingrained in all trades, from wait staff at restaurants to our baristas, valets, cab drivers, porters, and many more trades. The question `when?` or `how much?` can leave some travelers confused, as the practice varies.

It is not mandatory to tip in Slovakia, it is even normal not to tip, but tipping a worker in the service industry is always a nice gesture. The pre-euro tradition in Slovakia was to simply round up, but as the tipping culture in Europe makes its way west it is becoming more and more popular to tip at least 10% when you received great service. You can leave whatever you want there are no clear standards here for tipping in Slovakia.

Currency: Can I pay in U.S. dollars, or should I use the Euro?

The currency of Slovakia is the Euro (EUR, €). You will need to exchange your currency for the Euro, which can be done upon arrival at the airport currency exchange desks of banks and specialized stores called Foreign Exchange Bureaus. ATMs can be easily found in big cities and larger towns.

A VAT percentage is a service fee for the state used in Western Europe and American countries, you are obliged to pay the service fee. The fee will be automatically included in your bill and can range from 12-15%.

Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars: When should I tip? How much is customary?

The restaurant tipping etiquette in Slovakia can be a little confusing, first of all, you are not required to leave a tip, there will be no type of service charge found on your bill, rounding up the bill to leave a few euros for the waitstaff is a common practice. Tipping is at your discretion, locals commonly round up the bill to the nearest euro, to leave a tip. However, in the bigger cities such as Bratislava leaving a tip of 5-10% for good service is becoming more common.

A rule of thumb in Slovakia’s restaurant industry is to not say “Thank You” (Dakujem) when you hand the waitstaff your money for the bill. This indicates for them to keep the change as a tip.

Hotel Staff: Who should I tip?

In Slovakia’s hotels, it is a nice gesture to tip the hotel staff, 1-2 euros per bag for the porter/bellhop if they help you with your bags. It is not necessary to leave the housekeeper or concierge a tip, but if you wish to a few euros per day for housekeeping is sufficient, and if the concierge helped you book an event or arrange a tour a few euros will also be sufficient.

Taxi Drivers: Should I tip?

Tipping taxi drivers in Slovakia isn’t a common practice, you don’t need to tip, but leaving a few euros or rounding up your fare is a nice gesture. Always remember when travelling abroad that it is good practice to agree on a final fare before the cab driver begins driving.

Tour Guides: Is a tip required?

Tipping your tour guide is not a requirement but tips are always appreciated in this industry. If you decide to leave your tour guide a tip then 3-5 euros per person per day should be sufficient.

Miscellaneous: other services

If you plan on visiting a salon, or spa in Slovakia you don’t have to tip the staff but it is always appreciated if you enjoyed the service. Leaving a tip of 5-10% would be considered a good tip.

Final Thoughts:

Remember that it is perfectly okay to abstain, especially if you are not happy with the service provided. Unlike in the U.S., waiters are paid a living wage, and the expectations for tipping are lower in Slovakia than in America. This is also true for hotel staff, though if you encounter a problem with the service within the hotel, we highly recommend speaking with the manager.

When paying for services in cash (which we generally recommend for services other than your hotel) remember to take your receipt. This is important for two reasons; If you leave a tip on a credit card, the person providing the service may not always get it, and if there is a discrepancy it is important to have your receipt to settle it with the manager of the establishment and to prove that you paid for the service.

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The captivating mountain scenery dotted with sparkling glacial lakes and wildlife is a wonderful destination for a road trip adventure. Driver’s must have a valid driver’s license from the U.S. as well as obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP) to drive in Slovakia, these can be obtained from a AAA office in the states. A vignette (toll ticket) is required when driving in Slovakia, these normally come with any rental car, or can be purchased for one week cost around €10, or a month for about €14. In Slovakia, they drive on the right-hand side of the road and pass on the left.

Road Conditions

The roads in Slovakia are usually kept in good condition due to the mandatory road tax which is common in Central Europe. Drivers in Slovakia tend to be aggressive speeders, tailgaters, and passers, and the country has one of the highest road death tolls in all of Europe. Be cautious when driving and drive defensively, take it slow and let the other drivers pass, be careful on unlit country roads at night. Winter tires are required during the winter months when the roads are often covered heavily in snow or ice, these will normally be provided by your rental car company.

Road Signs

Road signs are well posted in Slovakia. However, they are posted in Slovakian and may be unfamiliar to you, it is always a good idea to read up on the signage before driving in another country.

Speed Limits

The national speed limit in Slovakia is 130 km/h (78 mph) on the highways, 90 km/h (54 mph) on regional roads, and 50 km/h (31 mph) within towns.

Documents and Laws

In Slovakia, headlights must be used all the time day/night even during summertime. Drivers must yield the right of way to all vehicles with flashing lights (police, ambulance, etc). A highway user decal/vignette must be used when driving in Slovakia (these are normally provided by your rental car company). A driver’s license issued in the United States, as well as an International Driving Permit (IDP), are required for driving in Slovakia. Seatbelts are required for all passengers in the vehicle, children under 12 years of age must sit in the rear of the vehicle, you cannot turn right on a red light, use of cellular phones is not permitted while driving (unless using a hands-free device).

Slovakia has zero tolerance for drunk driving, driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited and the alcohol level is 0.0%, anything above equals jail time. Refusal of a blood alcohol test may result in a hefty fine.

Driver’s should have a valid US passport, US driver’s license, an International Driving Permit, vehicle registration information, and proof of insurance.

Car Rentals

You need to be at least 21 years of age to rent a vehicle in Slovakia and have held a valid driver’s license for at least one year prior to renting. It may be possible to rent if you are under 25, however, there will be higher fees added to your rental price. The great majority of vehicles to rent in Slovakia are manual cars, an automatic may be available but will cost you a higher price. The country offers major car rental companies at the airport and in major cities, these include Avis and Hertz.

Gas Stations/Petrol Stations

There are plenty of petrol stations found along the main roads in Slovakia as well as through the cities and towns. Petrol stations are readily available around cities and villages. On the main highway, the petrol stops are clearly marked and often don’t offer a wide range of services like elsewhere in Europe, where you would have a resting place with a restaurant next to it.