This guide attempts to cover most situations that you, as a tourist, will encounter. Hopefully using these `tips` will provide a smooth experience when interacting with locals in restaurants, bars, hotels, tour operators, and taxis.

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In the U.S. tipping is customary and expected for everything from lackluster to outstanding service. It is an etiquette which is ingrained in all trades, from wait staff at restaurants to our baristas, valets, cab drivers, porters, and many more trades. In Europe, tipping is not as habitual, and Croatia is no exception.

Currency: Can I pay in U.S. dollars, or should I use Euros?

Croatia’s currency is the euro (€), like Slovenia and most of the other countries in the European Union. Croatia joined the Eurozone on January 1, 2023. The kuna, the former currency, will be accepted by businesses for only two weeks, until January 15, 2023. After January 15, 2023, you will have to pay using euros at businesses nationwide and not kunas. If you have spare kunas from past trips to Croatia, they can be exchanged at Croatian banks for euros until December 31, 2025. In many locations, the exchange rate will be best when withdrawing euros from an ATM. Debit and credit cards are accepted in Croatia, primarily in the larger cities, but note that at many businesses, you will incur a small fee for the privilege. Currency exchange desks can be found at airports, hotels, banks, and bureaux de change (called mjenjacnica). ATMs are widespread throughout the country, even in middle-sized cities and larger towns. If you are traveling to rural areas, make sure you bring a sufficient amount of euros with you before leaving.

Restaurants, Cafes, and Bars: When should I tip? How much is customary?

Tipping is usually done in the following manner: After paying for the meal, leave cash equivalent to about 10% of the total. Give a little more if you found the service to be particularly noteworthy. Note that tipping on a credit card is not done in Croatia; in fact, many waiters and waitresses may not know how to process such a request, as it is that uncommon in Croatia. You won’t find a `tip line` in many cases, contrasted to the United States where you would find a tip line on a restaurant receipt.

If you see a phrase on your receipt that looks similar to `Napojnica uracunata u cijenu`, it means that gratuity has already been added to your bill and tipping at that point is not required.

At cafes, rounding up to the nearest euro is widely accepted to be a good tip. Round up to the nearest 1-2 euros in hotel bars and nightclubs, especially if the service has been attentive. Local hole-in-the-wall bars require no tipping.

Note that there is a 13 percent value added tax (VAT) to every food and beverage purchase in Croatia; it is sales tax, not a tip.

Hotel Staff: Who should I tip?

Tips should be kept in the €1-€2 range. These kinds of tips should be given to your concierge, your porter who brings your bags to the room and down to the lobby, and the maids who clean your room each day. If you tip those people those amounts, they will be very appreciative. No extra tipping should be required.

Taxi Drivers: Should I tip?

If you are taking a taxi in Croatia, most of them are metered, so large tips are not necessary. Round up to the nearest €1 to make a tidy amount and that will be a sufficient enough tip for a taxi driver. If you have commissioned a taxi to drive you and wait on you for a certain amount of time, then it is acceptable to tip 10% of the agreed-upon fare.

Tour Guides: Is a tip required?

Most tour guides would appreciate a tip of €2-€5. This should be ideally about 10 to 15% of the cost of the tour. In recent years, the Game of Thrones tour has run upwards of €100, and an acceptable tip amount for this popular tour is €10-€15. If you really enjoyed a particular tour, feel free to tip your guide whatever you think is appropriate for your gratitude.

Miscellaneous: Is there anyone I should tip that I would not normally?

Other Services: Manicurists and hairdressers will want about 10% of the cost of the service. Spa workers will not necessarily expect tips, but people do usually tip them in the neighborhood of 10 to 15%. If you are chartering your own yacht to island-hop and sail the Adriatic, it is very important to tip the crew. Much of the crew`s pay comes from tips. Consider 15% of the charter cost as a minimum amount to tip for their service.

Final Thoughts:

Tipping culture isn`t very ingrained in Croatia, but some professions do expect some extra compensation for their services. In most cases it is just a case of rounding up a bill by €1 or €2. Follow our hotel and restaurant rules and you will gain insight into tipping when it is most expected. Do not feel bad for not tipping if you did not enjoy a service rendered.

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Another bonus to Americans is that Croatia has retained use of its domestic currency instead of using the Euro, which is more favorable for tourists. Navigating this beautiful country and its many islands is a relative breeze, but there are a few things to know ahead of time if you plan to drive, as outlined here.

By Car

Without a doubt, a rental car is one of the best options for getting around in Croatia. The flexibility provided with a car is immense, itineraries can be customized to your liking, and the schedule is yours to set should you decide to stay longer in a certain stop or break fora bite to eat or use the bathroom when you are good and ready!

Of course, with each positive comes a downside. Parking can be extremely difficult, especially within the walled towns where there is often pedestrian only traffic in the historic city centers (such as Split and the lovely Dubrovnik). Illegally parked cars are swiftly towed and expensive to get out of impound. Never park anywhere that is not clearly marked as designated parking. Most hotels have designated parking for their guests, although it is not always free. National parks, like Mljet or Plitvice Lakes also have sanctioned parking for visitors.

Another downside is that should you decide to take your car on the ferry to one of the incomparably beautiful islands, you will pay substantially more and quite possibly have to wait for several hours before boarding. The islands are easier to get around with a car, but it is possible to get around without one, should price be a big factor. Be Prepared to do a lot of walking if you choose not to take your car!

Looking beyond these factors, it is important to know that the road system in Croatia is surprisingly comprehensive but the quality of the roads varies wildly. The main highways/motorways (known as autocesta) have been vastly improved in recent years and are now some of the newest in Europe. The most useful routes are the A1, running from Zagreb south to Split and Dubrovnik, and the A6 which connects Zagreb to Rijeka. The main stretches are usually two lane however parts are single lane. The Jadranska magistrala (Adriatic coastal road) runs from Rijeka to Dubrovnik, passing Zadar and Split. It follows the coast and is wonderfully scenic, but keep your eyes glued to the road! The path is twisty, can be slippery and the guardrails on some of the hairpin curves aren`t very reassuring.

Bear in mind that tolls are heavy in Croatia (not expensive, but frequent); take a ticket as you come on and pay as you exit. Note that everywhere in Croatia, roads in off-the-beaten-track areas can be badly maintained and island roads are often particularly bad. Local drivers are very aggressive and pass dangerously on one way routes. Nearly everywhere in Croatia seems to be doing away with stoplights in favor of roundabouts with varying rules for entering and exiting, so use extreme caution.

A Few Other Important Reminders: To drive in Croatia, you`ll need a valid US driving license AND an International Driver Permit (IDP) which can be obtained from AAA in the USA, prior to your vacation. It is important to have this document!

Speed limits are 50kph (30 mph) in built-up areas, 80kph (50 mph) on minor roads, 100kph (60 mph) on main roads, 130kph (80 mph) on motorways. Within Croatia, emergency road help and information can be reached by dialing 1987, a service of the Croatian Automobile Association (HAK). Police can be reached by dialing 112 or 192. Additional road condition and safety information may be obtained from HAK at (385)(1)661-1999.

Cell phone use during driving is illegal and carries hefty fines. If you plan to use your cellphone for GPS purposes, or with the excellent HAK App (available for free download on Android or IOS – complete with maps, traffic conditions, directions, ferry schedules and delays, toll information and more in English) use a windshield or dash mount.

Croatia has a zero tolerance policy for driving while intoxicated, for those under the age of 25 the blood alcohol limit allowable is 0.0 and for drivers older than 25 that limit is just 0.05% (Croatian police draw blood to test, using a finger prick; it is not a breath test as in the USA). But you do drive on the right side of the road in Croatia, not on the left as in so many other countries in Europe, so you can relax about that!

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