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The best time to visit is October to January with lower hotel prices, low humidity, and outside of the rainy season. June to November is hurricane season and the islands peak hurricane season is between late August and early September.

Tipping in Dominica

The questions “when?” and “how much?” can leave some travelers confused, as the practice varies. This guide attempts to cover most situations that you, as a tourist, will encounter. Hopefully using these “tips” will provide a smooth experience when interacting with locals in restaurants, bars, hotels, tour operators, and taxis.

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Tipping in Dominica

What is the currency of the Dominica?

The official currency in Dominica is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$) which is fixed to the US dollar at US$1=EC$2.68. The US dollar is widely accepted, the change will be given in EC. There are ATMs found at airports, and banks throughout the main cities and towns.